Introduction to Live Roulette Online for Internet Gamblers

Roulette is probably the gambling game that epitomises casinos in the imaginations of most gaming fans. With a properly balanced, unbiased wheel, it is a game of pure chance, so it immediately calls to mind courting Lady Luck in an exotic French watering hole, with elegant croupiers deftly handling oversized gaming chips.

Because any number of people can play roulette, and everyone is essentially competing against the house, not each other, roulette is also one of the most sociable casino games. Online casinos have Random Number Generators that successfully replicate the unbiased results of a roulette wheel, but like most casino games online, roulette at online and mobile casinos pits the player against the house in isolation, so the social aspect is lost.

Live roulette is an innovation that helps to restore this ambience, and it is now available at many online casinos, with their mobile counterparts catching up fast. Some casino software developers already offer live roulette mobile apps that can be downloaded for free.

Getting the True Casino Atmosphere

Live roulette, whether online or via mobile, combines the speed and convenience of digital gaming with the interactivity of a land-based casino. Via live streaming or Skype, players can watch a real croupier call for bets, start the spin, call no more bets and announce the winning number, just as they do in land-based casinos. Players can interact with the croupier and each other via live chat, and of course, the live croupiers adapt their patter to the game and the players in real time.

The game is still a digital roulette variant, and results are determined by RNGs. So it is always a good idea for players to check the audit certification of any site offering live roulette before they decide to play, to ensure that the RNG software has been tested by independent experts and declared fair and truly random. At top sites using reputable software, playing live roulette online of via mobile is an authentic substitute for a land-based casino, with the added bonus that the players get to set their own rules about drinking, smoking and the like, in the comfort of their own homes.

Promotional Bonuses Offer Free Play

One of the ways in which mobile and online casino sites surpass their land-based competitors is in the frequency and variety of promotional bonuses they offer. Every decent casino site online will give new members a welcome bonus for signing up, usually consisting of free slots spins, free money with which to play, or a deposit-matching bonus that can be 100 per cent or more. Some welcome bonuses include a combination of all three.

Similar free offers are also provided as regular incentives to existing players, often linked to specific games to encourage more play on them. Live roulette is one of the games that casinos incentivise in this way, so savvy players always take a look at the promotions page whenever they log on to a site, to see if they can get a few live roulette spins at no cost, while nevertheless still eligible to win real money.

Easy to Shop Around

Welcome bonuses also allow players to try a number of different live roulette sites at less expense, until they find one that they like. Some sites have only female croupiers, others have male hosts as well. The quality of English varies from location to location, as does the range of croupiers available. Most live roulette fans will find a site that appeals to them with a little shopping around.